Christmas is here

The exchange project “Christmas is here” will run in Daugavpils for day (11.08.2014 – 11.05.2015). Trainings in Latvian city Daugavpils will run from 11.12.2014 till 20.12.2014.
Main project themes are: art and culture, youth, leisure time

Project activities are planned 10 days training for 24 youth and youth leaders from different countries.

As the working methods will be used workshops, trainings, excursion team activities, ice-breaking activities, discussions, performances,flash mob, work in pairs, interviews of project participant, Christmas song learning. Christmas traditions, Christmas tree dressing, etc. During the project activities the youth will have an opportunity to get to know a European countries culture, get know Latvia and get know more about different Christmas traditions in different countries. During the project, young people will represent their country Christmas tradition, Christmas cuisine and other interesting things and facts about the Christmas. Through activities of Christmas tradition youth will provide they opinion about such important themes as solidarity, tolerance, inclusion different culture multiplicity etc. Realizing the planned activities in the project, there will be promoted the development of the international dialog, the improvement of the youth communication and social skills, the broadening of the outlook, awareness of the belonging to the European youth community. Continua a leggere